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Top 10 Catoween pictures

My dear floofs,

I decided I would pick 10 of my favourite Halloween themed cat pictures on Instagram throughout the month and feature them on my blog.

Let's take a look at my ten favourites! Be sure to follow them all on Instagram!

Here we have Tiger relaxing on a leafy autumnal floor, outside his little wooden cabin. A cool cat, calm and collected and looking very much the part with his orange bowtie. Matching with the pumpkins, this was the first picture we decided to feature on the list!

Tiger Jojo (@mytigerjojo)

Where do we start with this picture? Tiger Jojo is looking spectacular at his pop up farm stand! Only the finest pumpkins are sold here. Looking very stylish in his hat and bandana, Tiger Jojo poses with his expert team of alpaca staff, who are there  for all your pumpkin needs!

Skittles and Jinjin (@skittles_and_jin-jin)

Skittles and JinJin here! Cuteness level = Expert! Not only are they dressed for the occasion but they are posing like professional meowdels. An easy choice for the Top 10.

Hemi has a funny joke to tell but it's not for you. It's between him and his skeleton friend. We love everything about this picture from Hemi's pose to the skeletons, pumpkin and organ. A Halloween classic for sure!

Pecan Pie is adorable in his pumpkin ensemble. My hoomans tried to make me wear a pirate outfit and I was very angry so well done to Pecan Pie for being a good boy! Here he is posing on the balcony of his wonderful haunted mansion. A handsome floof indeed!

Pecan Pie and Blueberry Biscuit (@pecanpie_and_blueberrybiscuit)

Moein us licking his lips, patiently waiting for this photoshoot to be over so he can get a munch on that butternut squash! Be sure to give him a follow on Instagram as his content is always brilliant and fun!

Ghostbusters is awesome. Cats are awesome. Therefore, it's a no brainer that Louis makes the top 10! Excellent photo my dear furrriend! Fantastic work!

Princess Khaleesi sets the tone for this wonderful silver and purple piece. Nice to see a silver pumpkin for a change. Looking thoughtful and reflecting on her day, Princess Khaleesi is both classy and cute. 

So this is the Churos I have heard my furrriends mention before? We call them Lick' E Lix here! They look delightful. I've never seen a cat as excited whilst eating a treat as Tommy. Plus that outfit is fantastic. 

Mia is not afraid of a challenge. The colours, the effort and the whole vibe of this photo easily makes this a perfect choice for the top 10. 

Follow these ten wonderful accounts on Instagram!

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